Jacopo Gennaro Esposito


APIs to interact with the web service of TheSpoon, this API allows you to build your own customized TheSpoon clients. Its open to all the developers who wish to build applications based on our platform.


Certain endpoints are restricted to authorized users. To successfully send a request to these endpoints, ensure that you include a valid authentication bearer token in the request header’s authorization field

Error handling

When working with our API, errors may occur. These should be correctly handled on the client. Each error is identified by specific parameters:

Error code

HTTP Status numerical code, provides information about the type of error: Server error, client input error or database error.

Error payload

A JSON payload containing further information about the error occured. For example:

    "status": "BAD_REQUEST",
    "timestamp": "30-12-2023 07:21:08",
    "message": "Validation error",
    "debugMessage": null,
    "subErrors": [
            "object": "signupRequest",
            "field": "Telefono",
            "rejectedValue": "",
            "message": "Numero di telefono non valido, inserire un numero italiano"

Error code

Some examples of error codes you may encounter using the API

400 Bad request

The request contains some errors. The data must be corrected before reattempting the query.

Example of Errors:

403 Forbidden

An attempt to login with wrong credentials or request a functionality available only to authorized user without a proper/valid token.

404 Not found

An attempt to request a non-existent resource.

500 Internal Server Error

There was an internal server error while we were processing your request.



The following methods are related to the login subsystem and contain authentication-related endpoints.

These endpoints are crucial for managing user authentication and securing access to TheSpoon’s services.

1. Login

Enpoint handling user authentication, it requires valid credentials and if successful return an authentication token.


Name Type Description
Email String The user email used for login into TheSpoon services
rePassword String User password used for login into TheSpoon services


200 OK

    "token": "TokenString"

Possible Errors

Code Type Description
403 Forbidden Credentials not valid
400 Bad Request The request body was not valid, some field are missing or malformed


Method: POST
Type: RAW
URL: http://localhost:8080/auth/login


{"email":"kim@dami.it", "password":"KimDamiPass"}

2. SignUp

Endpoint handling user registration. To create a new user account, a valid signup request must be submitted. Upon successful registration, an authentication token will be provided.


Name Type Description
Email String The user email used for login into TheSpoon services
Password String User password used for login into TheSpoon services
rePassword String Confirm user password
Nome String Display name to be used for TheSpoon services
Cognome String Display family name to be used for TheSpoon services
Telefono String Italian mobile phone number to be used for TheSpoon for TheSpoon services
Data_Nascita LocalDate Birthdate, in the format: YYYY-MM-DD


200 OK

"token": "TokenString"

Possible Errors

Code Type Description
403 Forbidden Credentials not valid
400 Bad Request The request body was not valid, some field are missing or malformed


Method: POST
Type: RAW
URL: http://localhost:8080/auth/signup


    "email": "kim@dami.it",
    "password": "KimDamiPass",
    "rePassword": "KimDamiPass",
    "nome": "Dami",
    "cognome": "Kim",
    "telefono": "00000000000000",
    "data_Nascita": "1997-05-29"


The following methods are related to the DashboardPersonale subsystem and contain endpoints for updating and retrieving personal data.

These endpoints are crucial for managing user personal data stored within TheSpoon’s services.

1. Get Ristoratore Details

This endpoint allows users to retrieve their personal data stored within TheSpoon’s services.


Authentication token inside the header’s authentication field.


200 OK

    "data_Nascita": [
    "telefono": "00000000000000",
    "nome": "Kim",
    "email": "kim@dami.it",
    "cognome": "Dami"

Possible Errors

Code Type Description
403 Forbidden Your authentication token is not valid


Method: GET
URL: http://localhost:8080/dashboard/ristoratoreDetails

2. Update Ristoratore Details

This endpoint allows users to update their personal data stored within TheSpoon’s services.


All parameters are optional, and users can choose which ones to include for the fields they want to update.

Name Type Description
Email String New email address to be used for TheSpoon services
Nome String New display name to be used for TheSpoon services
Cognome String New display family-name to be used for TheSpoon services
Telefono String New italian mobile phone number to be used for TheSpoon for TheSpoon services
Data_Nascita LocalDate New birthdate, in the format: YYYY-MM-DD

Authentication token inside the header’s authentication field.


200 OK

Possible Errors

Code Type Description
403 Forbidden Your authentication token is not valid
400 Bad Request The request body was not valid, some field are missing or malformed


Method: POST
Type: RAW
URL: http://localhost:8080/dashboard/updateRistoratoreDetails


    "nome": "Kim",
    "cognome": "Dami",
    "email": "kim@dami.it",
    "telefono": "00000000000000",
    "data_Nascita": "1997-05-29"

3. Update Password

This endpoint allows users to update their password.


Name Type Description
Password String New password to be used for TheSpoon services
rePassword String Confirm new passeword be used for TheSpoon services

Authentication token inside the header’s authentication field.


200 OK

Possible Errors

Code Type Description
403 Forbidden Your authentication token is not valid
400 Bad Request The request body was not valid, some field are missing or malformed


Method: POST
Type: RAW
URL: http://localhost:8080/dashboard/updatePassword


    "password": "KimDami1998",
    "rePassword": "KimDami1998"


The following methods are related to the Ristorante subsystem and contain endpoints for inserting, updating, deleting and retrieving restaurants data.

These endpoints are crucial for managing restautants data stored within TheSpoon’s services.

1. Insert Ristorante

This endpoint allows users to insert their restaurant into TheSpoon’s services.


Name Type Description
Nome String The restaurant’s display name used for TheSpoon services
N_Civico String The restaurant’s street number
Cap Integer The restaurant’s postal code, in italian CAP (Codice di Avviamento Postale)
Via String The restaurant’s address
Provincia String The restaurant’s province
Telefono String Italian mobile phone number associated to the restaurant

Authentication token inside the header’s authentication field.


200 OK

Possible Errors

Code Type Description
403 Forbidden Your authentication token is not valid
400 Bad Request The request body was not valid, some field are missing or malformed


Method: POST
Type: RAW
URL: http://localhost:8080/ristorante/insertRistorante


    "Nome": "Mr Q.",
    "N_Civico": "107",
    "Cap": 80146,
    "Via": "Via Emanuele Gianturco",
    "Provincia": "NA",
    "Telefono": "0000000000"

2. Get Ristoranti By IdRistoratore

This endpoint allows users to retrieve a list of restaurant associated with a Ristoratore ID


The Ristoratore ID as a path variable.


200 OK

        "id": 11,
        "nome": "Mumu Bubble Tea",
        "telefono": "3516707777",
        "n_Civico": "21",
        "provincia": "NA",
        "via": "Via Cesare Battisti",
        "cap": 80134
        "id": 12,
        "nome": "Pizzeria Tutino",
        "telefono": "3516707777",
        "n_Civico": "79",
        "provincia": "NA",
        "via": "Via Cesare Carmignano",
        "cap": 80142
        "id": 14,
        "nome": "Pizzeria la Figlia del Presidente",
        "telefono": "00393331005060",
        "n_Civico": "24",
        "provincia": "NA",
        "via": "Via del grande archi",
        "cap": 80138
        "id": 16,
        "nome": "LinCal Bakery",
        "telefono": "00393331005060",
        "n_Civico": "2",
        "provincia": "CD",
        "via": "Xipu Street, Pidu District",
        "cap": 80049

Possible Errors

Code Type Description
400 Bad Request The request body was not valid, some field are missing or malformed


Method: GET
URL: http://localhost:8080/ristorante/restaurantsList/{IdRistoratore}

3. Update Ristorante

This endpoint allows users to update the details of their own restaurant.


The Restaurant ID as a path variable.

All parameters are optional, and users can choose which ones to include for the fields they want to update.

Name Type Description
Nome String The restaurant’s display name used for TheSpoon services
N_Civico String The restaurant’s street number
Cap Integer The restaurant’s postal code, in italian CAP (Codice di Avviamento Postale)
Via String The restaurant’s address
Provincia String The restaurant’s province
Telefono String Italian mobile phone number associated to the restaurant

Authentication token inside the header’s authentication field.


200 OK

Possible Errors

Code Type Description
400 Bad Request The request body was not valid, some field are missing or malformed
403 Forbidden Your authentication token is not valid
404 Not Found Can’t find any restaurant with the given ID owned by the user that made the request


Method: POST
Type: RAW
URL: http://localhost:8080/ristorante/updateRistorante/{id_ristorante}


    "n_Civico": "224",
    "cap": 80028,
    "via": "Ponte di Ferro",
    "provincia": "NA",
    "telefono": "00393331005060"

4. Search Ristorante

This endpoint allows users to search restaurants registered into TheSpoon services.


The Restaurant name as a path variable.

All parameters are optional, and users can choose which ones to include for the fields they want to search. The JSON must be always provided, even if empty.

Name Type Description
N_Civico String The restaurant’s street number
Cap Integer The restaurant’s postal code, in italian CAP (Codice di Avviamento Postale)
Via String The restaurant’s address
Provincia String The restaurant’s province


200 OK

"id": 12,  
"nome": "Pizzeria Tutino",  
"telefono": "3516707777",  
"n_Civico": "79",  
"provincia": "NA",  
"via": "Via Cesare Carmignano",  
"cap": 80142  
"id": 13,  
"nome": "Pizzeria la Figlia del Presidente",  
"telefono": "00393331005060",  
"n_Civico": "224",  
"provincia": "NA",  
"via": "Ponte di Ferro",  
"cap": 80028  
"id": 14,  
"nome": "Pizzeria la Figlia del Presidente",  
"telefono": "00393331005060",  
"n_Civico": "24",  
"provincia": "NA",  
"via": "Via del grande archi",  
"cap": 80138  

Possible Errors

Code Type Description
400 Bad Request The request body was not valid, some field are missing or malformed


Method: POST
Type: RAW
URL: http://localhost:8080/ristorante/ricercaRistorante/{nome_ristorante}


    "n_Civico": "2",
    "cap": 80049,
    "via": "Xipu Street, Pidu District",
    "provincia": "CD"

5. Get Ristorante By ID

This endpoint allows users to retrieve the details of a restaurant given his ID


The Restaurant ID as a path variable.


200 OK

    "id": 15,
    "nome": "LinCal Bakery",
    "telefono": "00393331005060",
    "n_Civico": "2",
    "provincia": "CD",
    "via": "Xipu Street, Pidu District",
    "cap": 80049

Possible Errors

Code Type Description
400 Bad Request The request body was not valid, some field are missing or malformed


Method: GET
URL: http://localhost:8080/ristorante/getRistorante/{IdRistorante}

6. Insert Menu

This endpoint allows users to insert their restaurant’s menus into TheSpoon’s services.


Name Type Description
Nome String The restaurant’s menu display name used for TheSpoon services
Descrizione String A description of the restaurant’s menu
IdRistorante Integer The restautant’s ID

Authentication token inside the header’s authentication field.


200 OK

Possible Errors

Code Type Description
400 Bad Request The request body was not valid, some field are missing or malformed
403 Forbidden Your authentication token is not valid
404 Not found Can’t find any restaurant with the given ID owned by the user that made the request


Method: POST
Type: RAW
URL: http://localhost:8080/ristorante/insertMenu


    "nome": "All You Can Eat",
    "descrizione": "Mangia quanto vuoi da Mumu",
    "idRistorante": 11

7. Add Product To Menu

This endpoint allows users to add a product to the menus of their own restaurant.


The Menu ID, Product ID and Restaurant ID as a path variable.

Authentication token inside the header’s authentication field.


200 OK

Possible Errors

Code Type Description
403 Forbidden Your authentication token is not valid
404 Not Found Can’t find any restaurant with the given ID owned by the user that made the request The given menu is not associated with the restaurant The menu or the product doesn’t exist


Method: POST
URL: http://localhost:8080/ristorante/addProductToMenu/{id_menu}/{id_prodotto}/{id_ristorante}

8. Remove Product from Menu

This endpoint allows users to remove a product from the menus of their own restaurant.


The Menu ID, Product ID and Restaurant ID as a path variable.

Authentication token inside the header’s authentication field.


200 OK

Possible Errors

Code Type Description
403 Forbidden Your authentication token is not valid
404 Not Found Can’t find any restaurant with the given ID owned by the user that made the request The given menu is not associated with the restaurant The menu or the product doesn’t exist


Method: DELETE
URL: http://localhost:8080/ristorante/removeProductMenu/1/1/11

9. Get Menu By ID

This endpoint allows users to retrieve the details of a menu given his ID


The Menu ID as a path variable.


200 OK

    "id": 1,
    "nome": "All You Can Eat",
    "categoria": "Mangia quanto vuoi da Mumu"

Possible Errors

Code Type Description
400 Bad Request The request body was not valid, some field are missing or malformed
404 Not Found Can’t find any menu with the given ID


Method: GET
URL: http://localhost:8080/ristorante/getMenuByID/1

10. Get Menus By ID Ristorante

This endpoint allows users to retrieve the menus given the Restaurant’s ID


The Restaurant’s ID as a path variable.


200 OK

        "nome": "All You Can Eat",
        "categoria": "Mangia quanto vuoi da Mumu",
        "id": 1
        "nome": "Menu alla carta",
        "categoria": "Pay as you eat",
        "id": 2

Possible Errors

Code Type Description
400 Bad Request The request body was not valid, some field are missing or malformed


Method: GET
URL: http://localhost:8080/ristorante/getMenuByIDRistorante/{IdRistorante}

11. Get Prodotti By ID Menu

This endpoint allows users to retrieve the products associated within a menu given a menu ID


The Menu’s ID as a path variable.


200 OK

        "nome": "Bubble Tea Taro",
        "descrizione": "Bubble Tea gusto taro, con palline di tapioca.",
        "prezzo": 5.5,
        "id": 1
        "nome": "Pizza Fritta con cicoli",
        "descrizione": "Pizza fritta con pomodoro, mozzarella, ricotta, cicoli e doppio olio",
        "prezzo": 5.5,
        "id": 4

Possible Errors

Code Type Description
400 Bad Request The request body was not valid, some field are missing or malformed
404 Not Found Can’t find any menus with the given ID


Method: GET
URL: http://localhost:8080/ristorante/getProdottiByIDMenu/{IdMenu}

12. Insert Tavolo

This endpoint allows users to add a table to their restaurant into TheSpoon’s services.


Name Type Description
Numero Tavolo String The number of the table, used also as table ID
Stato Byte table status, 0 available, 1 occupied
Capacita Integer The table capacity
idRistorante String The restaurant’s ID

Authentication token inside the header’s authentication field.


200 OK

Possible Errors

Code Type Description
403 Forbidden Your authentication token is not valid
404 Not Found Restaurant not found or not owned by the users that made the request
400 Bad Request The request body was not valid, some field are missing or malformed


Method: POST
Type: RAW
URL: http://localhost:8080/ristorante/insertTavolo


    "numeroTavolo": "2",
    "stato": "0",
    "capacita": 4,
    "idRistorante": 11

13. Get Tavoli By Ristorante ID

This endpoint allows users to retrieve all the restaurant’s tables given his ID


The restaurant’s ID as a path variable.


200 OK

        "numeroTavolo": "1",
        "capacita": 4,
        "stato": 0
        "numeroTavolo": "2",
        "capacita": 4,
        "stato": 0

Possible Errors

Code Type Description
400 Bad Request The request body was not valid, some field are missing or malformed
404 Not Found Can’t find any restaurants with the given ID


Method: GET
URL: http://localhost:8080/ristorante/getTavoliRistorante/{id_ristorante}

14. Get Tavolo

This endpoint allows users to retrieve the details of a table given his ID and the restaurant’s ID


The Menu ID, the restaurant’s ID as a path variable.


200 OK

    "numeroTavolo": "1",
    "capacita": 4,
    "stato": 0

Possible Errors

Code Type Description
400 Bad Request The request body was not valid, some field are missing or malformed
404 Not Found Can’t find any table with the given IDs


Method: GET
URL: http://localhost:8080/ristorante/getTavoloById/{numero_tavolo}/{id_ristorante}


The following methods are related to the Prodotto subsystem and contain endpoints for inserting, updating, deleting and retrieving data products.

These endpoints are crucial for managing products data stored within TheSpoon’s services.

1. Insert Prodotto

This endpoint allows users to add a product into TheSpoon’s services.


Name Type Description
Nome String The product name
Descrizione String A description of the product
Prezzo Float The product’s price
Id Ristorante Integer The restaurant’s id for which users want to add the product

Authentication token inside the header’s authentication field.


200 OK

Possible Errors

Code Type Description
403 Forbidden Your authentication token is not valid
404 Not Found Can’t find any restaurant with the given ID owned by the user that made the request
400 Bad Request The request body was not valid, some field are missing or malformed


Method: POST
Type: RAW
URL: http://localhost:8080/prodotto/insertProdotto


    "nome": "Bubble Tea The Verde Medio",
    "descrizione": "Bubble Tea, gusto the verde con palline di tapioca, medio",
    "prezzo": 5.49,
    "idRistorante": 10

2. Remove Prodotto

This endpoint allows users to remove a product from TheSpoon’s services.


The product’s ID as path variable.

Authentication token inside the header’s authentication field.


200 OK

Possible Errors

Code Type Description
403 Forbidden Your authentication token is not valid
400 Bad Request The request body was not valid, some field are missing or malformed


Method: DELETE
URL: http://localhost:8080/prodotto/removeProdotto/4

3. Get Prodotto By ID Prodotto

This endpoint allows users to retrieve the details of a product given his ID.


The Product ID as a path variable.


200 OK

    "id": 5,
    "nome": "Bubble Tea The Verde",
    "prezzo": 5.5,
    "descrizione": "Bubble Tea, gusto the verde con palline di tapioca"

Possible Errors

Code Type Description
400 Bad Request The request body was not valid, some field are missing or malformed
404 Not Found Can’t find any product with the given ID


Method: GET
URL: http://localhost:8080/prodotto/getProdotto/{id_prodotto}

4. Get Prodotti By Id Ristorante

This endpoint allows users to retrieve all the restaurant’s products given his ID


The restaurant’s ID as a path variable.


200 OK

        "idristorante": 16,
        "id": 7,
        "nome": "Bubble Tea The Verde Grande",
        "descrizione": "Bubble Tea, gusto the verde con palline di tapioca, grande",
        "prezzo": 7.49
        "idristorante": 16,
        "id": 8,
        "nome": "Bubble Tea The Verde Medio",
        "descrizione": "Bubble Tea, gusto the verde con palline di tapioca, medio",
        "prezzo": 5.49

Possible Errors

Code Type Description
400 Bad Request The request was not valid, some field are missing or malformed
404 Not Found Can’t find any restaurants with the given ID


Method: GET
URL: http://localhost:8080/prodotto/getAllProdottiByIdRistorante/{id_ristorante}


The following methods are related to the Ordini subsystem and contain endpoints for inserting, and retrieving data orders.

These endpoints are crucial for managing orders data stored within TheSpoon’s services.

1. Inserisci Ordine

This endpoint allows users to add an order to a restautant.


The numeroTavolo is optional.

Name Type Description
ProductsIDs List(Integer) List of product IDs to insert in the order
NumeroTavolo String The table number of the restaurant
ChatID Integer The ChatID of the conversation between the User and TheSpoonBot
IdRistorante Integer The Restaurant’s ID at which the user is placing the order
Tipologia Integer Type of order: 0 Takeaway, 1 At table


200 OK

    "idordine": 48,
    "tipologia": 0,
    "quantita": null,
    "idristorante": 16,
    "nr_Tavolo": "20",
    "totale": 5.50,
    "stato": 0,
    "chatId": 0000000,
    "ora": "13:16:08"

Possible Errors

Code Type Description
400 Bad Request The request body was not valid, some field are missing or malformed
404 Not Found Can’t find any restaurant or products with the associated IDs


Method: POST
Type: RAW
URL: http://localhost:8080/ordini/insertOrdine


  "productsIDs": [4],
  "numeroTavolo": "20",
  "chatID": 1234567,
  "idRistorante": 16,
  "tipologia": 0

2. Conferma Ordine

This endpoint allows restaurant’s owner to confirm an order to their restautant.


The Order ID as path variable.
Authentication token inside the header’s authentication field.


200 OK

Possible Errors

Code Type Description
403 Forbidden The authentication token is not valid
404 Not Found Can’t find any product or restaurants with the associated IDs.
The restaurant is not owned by the user that made the request


Method: POST
URL: http://localhost:8080/ordini/confermaOrdine/{id_ordine}

3. Get Lista Ordini By ID Ristorante

This endpoint allows users to retrieve a list of orders associated with a Ristorante ID


The Ristorante ID as a path variable.
Authentication token inside the header’s authentication field.


200 OK

"idordine": 1,  
"chatId": 000000000,  
"stato": 0,  
"ora": "17:23:48",  
"totale": 5.50,  
"nr_Tavolo": null,  
"tipologia": 0,  
"quantita": null,  
"idristorante": 16  
"idordine": 2,  
"chatId": 00000000,  
"stato": 0,  
"ora": "18:37:08",  
"totale": 0.00,  
"nr_Tavolo": null,  
"tipologia": 0,  
"quantita": null,  
"idristorante": 16  

Possible Errors

Code Type Description
403 Forbidden The authentication token is not valid
404 Not Found Can’t find any Ristoratore or Restaurant with the associated IDs.
The restaurant is not owned by the user that made the request


Method: GET
URL: http://localhost:8080/ordini/ordiniByRistorante/16

4. Get Prodotti By IDOrdine and IDRistorante

This endpoint allows users to retrieve a list of products associated with a Ordine ID and a Restaurant ID


The Ordine ID as a path variable.
The Restaurant ID as a path variable.
Authentication token inside the header’s authentication field.


200 OK

        "id": 5,
        "prezzo": 5.5,
        "nome": "Bubble Tea The Verde",
        "quantita": 2,
        "descrizione": "Bubble Tea, gusto the verde con palline di tapioca"
        "id": 4,
        "prezzo": 5.5,
        "nome": "Pizza Fritta con cicoli",
        "quantita": 1,
        "descrizione": "Pizza fritta con pomodoro, mozzarella, ricotta, cicoli e doppio olio"
        "id": 6,
        "prezzo": 7.49,
        "nome": "Bubble Tea The Verde Grande",
        "quantita": 1,
        "descrizione": "Bubble Tea, gusto the verde con palline di tapioca, grande"

Possible Errors

Code Type Description
403 Forbidden The authentication token is not valid
404 Not Found Can’t find any Ristoratore or Restaurant with the associated IDs.
The restaurant is not owned by the user that made the request
Can’t find any Order associated with the restaurant


Method: GET
URL: http://localhost:8080/ordini/prodottiByIdRisAndIdOrd/{id_ristorante}/{id_ordine}


The following methods are related to the Pagamenti subsystem and contain endpoints for paying orders using Stripe Checkout API.

These endpoints are crucial for paying orders within TheSpoon’s services.

1. Pay

This endpoint allows users to pay their order,


The Ordine ID as a path variable.
The Restaurant ID as a path variable.


200 OK Session ID String used by Stripe Checkout API

Possible Errors

Code Type Description
404 Not Found Can’t find any Restaurant with the associated IDs.
Can’t find any Order associated with the restaurant
500 Internal Server Error Error within Stripe Checkout API


Method: POST
URL: http://localhost:8080/pagamenti/pay/{id_ordine}/{id_ristorante}


The following methods are related to the Prenotazioni subsystem and contain endpoints for inserting, and retrieving reservations data.

These endpoints are crucial for managing reservations data stored within TheSpoon’s services.

1. Insert Prenotazione

This endpoint allows users to add a reservation to a restautant.


Name Type Description
TableIDs List(String) List of table IDs to reserve
Data LocalDate The reservation’s date
Hour Time The hour of the reservation
Nr_Persone Integer Total amount of people that intend to reserve tables
Email String Email of the user that intend to reserve tables
Telefono String Italian mobile phone number to be used for TheSpoon for TheSpoon services
ChatID Integer The ChatID of the conversation between the User and TheSpoonBot
IdRistorante Integer The Restaurant’s ID at which the user is placing the reservation


200 OK

    "data": [
    "ora": "16:28:00",
    "id": 9,
    "email": "kim@dami.it",
    "stato": 1,
    "chatId": 123456789,
    "nr_Persone": 12,
    "cellulare": "00390000000000",
    "passwordprenotazione": "MnC4LzltqiiN"

Possible Errors

Code Type Description
400 Bad Request The request body was not valid, some field are missing or malformed
404 Not Found Can’t find any restaurant or tables with the associated IDs
409 Conflict It’already present a reservetion for the given params
406 Not Acceptable The total capacity of the tables doesn’t match the amount of people


Method: POST
Type: RAW
URL: http://localhost:8080/prenotazioni/insertPrenotazione


    "tableIDs": [1, 2, 3],
    "data": "2024-01-23",
    "ora": "16:28:00",
    "nr_Persone": 12,
    "email": "kim@dami.it",
    "telefono": "00393458091047",
    "idRistorante": 11,
    "chatID": 000000000

2. Update Prenotazione

This endpoint allows users to update their reservation to a restautant.


All the params are optional except for ID Prenotazione and Password.

Name Type Description
TableIDs List(String) List of table IDs to reserve
Data LocalDate The reservation’s date
Hour Time The hour of the reservation
Nr_Persone Integer The amount of people that intend to make a reservation
IdPrenotazione Integer The Reservation’s ID that the user intend to update
Password String The reservation password


200 OK

    "data": [
    "ora": "16:28:00",
    "id": 9,
    "email": "kim@dami.it",
    "stato": 1,
    "chatId": 123456789,
    "nr_Persone": 12,
    "cellulare": "00390000000000",
    "passwordprenotazione": "MnC4LzltqiiN"

Possible Errors

Code Type Description
400 Bad Request The request body was not valid, some field are missing or malformed
404 Not Found Can’t find any restaurant or tables with the associated IDs
409 Conflict It’already present a reservetion for the given params
406 Not Acceptable The total capacity of the tables doesn’t match the amount of people
405 Unauthorized The reservation is already confirmed or the password/reservation id isn’t correct


Method: POST
Type: RAW
URL: http://localhost:8080/prenotazioni/updatePrenotazione


    "tableIDs": [1, 2],
    "data": "2024-01-25",
    "ora": "14:30",
    "nr_Persone": 8,
    "idPrenotazione": 8,
    "password": "MnC4LzltqiiN"

3. Get All Prenotazioni By ID Ristorante

This endpoint allows users to retrieve a list of reservation associated with a Reservation ID


The Reservation ID as a path variable.
Authentication token inside the header’s authentication field.


200 OK

        "data": [
        "email": "kim@dami.it",
        "ora": "13:24:00",
        "idPrenotazione": 1,
        "cellulare": "00393458091047",
        "statoPrenotazione": 0,
        "nrPersone": 5
        "data": [
        "email": "kim@dami.it",
        "ora": "15:24:00",
        "idPrenotazione": 2,
        "cellulare": "00393458091047",
        "statoPrenotazione": 0,
        "nrPersone": 5
        "data": [
        "email": "kim@dami.it",
        "ora": "16:25:00",
        "idPrenotazione": 3,
        "cellulare": "00393458091047",
        "statoPrenotazione": 0,
        "nrPersone": 5

Possible Errors

Code Type Description
403 Forbidden The authentication token is not valid
404 Not Found Can’t find any Ristoratore or Reservation with the associated IDs.
The restaurant is not owned by the user that made the request


Method: GET
URL: http://localhost:8080/prenotazioni/getAllPrenotazioni/{id_ristorante}

4. Get Tavoli By ID prenotazione

This endpoint allows users to retrieve a list of table associated with a Reservation ID


The Reservation ID as a path variable.
Authentication token inside the header’s authentication field.


200 OK

        "numeroTavolo": "1",
        "stato": 1,
        "capacita": 4
        "numeroTavolo": "2",
        "stato": 1,
        "capacita": 4

Possible Errors

Code Type Description
403 Forbidden The authentication token is not valid
404 Not Found Can’t find any Ristoratore or Reservation with the associated IDs.
The restaurant is not owned by the user that made the request
400 Bad Request Some field are missing or malformed


Method: GET
URL: http://localhost:8080/prenotazioni/getAllTavoliByIdPrenotazione/{id_prenotazione}

5. Conferma Prenotazione

This endpoint allows users to confirm a Reservation.


The Reservation ID as a path variable.
Authentication token inside the header’s authentication field.


200 OK

Possible Errors

Code Type Description
403 Forbidden The authentication token is not valid
404 Not Found Can’t find any Ristoratore or Reservation with the associated IDs.
The restaurant is not owned by the user that made the request
400 Bad Request Some field are missing or malformed


Method: POST
URL: http://localhost:8080/prenotazioni/confermaPrenotazione/{id_prenotazione}

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Generated at 2024-01-22 11:39:12 by docgen