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All Classes and Interfaces|All Packages|Constant Field Values|Serialized Form


jwtAuthenticationFilter - Variable in class it.unisa.thespoon.config.SecurityConfig
JwtAuthenticationFilter - Class in it.unisa.thespoon.filters
Classe che implementa il "filtro" per l'autenticazione via JWT
JwtAuthenticationFilter() - Constructor for class it.unisa.thespoon.filters.JwtAuthenticationFilter
JwtAuthenticationResponse - Class in it.unisa.thespoon.model.response
Classe che rappresenta una response JWTAuthentication
JwtAuthenticationResponse() - Constructor for class it.unisa.thespoon.model.response.JwtAuthenticationResponse
jwtExpirationMS - Variable in class it.unisa.thespoon.jwt.service.JwtService
Setto la scadenza del token
jwtSecretKey - Variable in class it.unisa.thespoon.jwt.service.JwtService
Setto la secretKey usata per "firmare" il token
jwtService - Variable in class it.unisa.thespoon.dashboardpersonale.controller.DashboardPersonaleControllerTest
jwtService - Variable in class it.unisa.thespoon.filters.JwtAuthenticationFilter
jwtService - Variable in class it.unisa.thespoon.login.control.LoginControllerTest
jwtService - Variable in class it.unisa.thespoon.login.service.LoginServiceImpl
jwtService - Variable in class it.unisa.thespoon.login.service.LoginServiceImplTest
jwtService - Variable in class it.unisa.thespoon.ristorante.controller.RistoranteControllerTest
JwtService - Class in it.unisa.thespoon.jwt.service
Classe che implementa il "servizio" per l'autenticazione via JWT
JwtService() - Constructor for class it.unisa.thespoon.jwt.service.JwtService
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All Classes and Interfaces|All Packages|Constant Field Values|Serialized Form